Dental Health Month For Dogs

Dental Health Month For Dogs

It might be dental health month, but protecting your pup’s teeth should be part of a year-long routine. Here are a few tips and things you should know about your pet’s smile.  Get Yearly Cleanings  You should brush your pet’s teeth at least 2-3 times...
Tips for Holiday Travel with Dogs

Tips for Holiday Travel with Dogs

Do you plan on traveling for the holidays this year? On top of any stress when it comes to last-minute gift shopping and meal plans, you also want to make sure your pets are comfortable and taken care of. Are your pets nervous travelers? Do you have an alternate care...
Should You Board Your Pets This Summer?

Should You Board Your Pets This Summer?

We know you want your pet to be part of your summertime memories this year. However, if your pet gets skittish around fireworks, large events, or new environments, you may want to consider booking them for a stay at The Good Dog Spot. Your dog or cat will feel loved...