Spot’s Tots
our mission
The mission of The Good Dog Spot’s Spot’s Tots Program is to provide the areas best puppy socialization program which helps good puppies develop into great dogs. This program is designed to help puppies get ready for the daycare environment and the world around them. Puppies will work on skills that are needed in playgroups such as crate training, quiet behavior during nap times and general confidence building. Spot’s Tots also provides exposure to new things and careful handling during their most impressionable developmental period.
Spot’s Tots is available in both locations, however the days may vary per location. You will receive a daily Report Card and short recap of your puppy’s day. Puppies will receive frequent rest breaks and specialized supervised play sessions in addition to the training curriculum outlined below. This program runs once there are a minimum of 4 puppies enrolled. Please speak to a staff member for more information and to register your pup!
our program
Spot’s Tots has a 5-day curriculum based on The Dog Guru’s Puppy Socialization Package as the basic guideline.
Day 1: Focus on the Basics and Introduction to Obstacles
Day 2: Obstacles and Surfaces
Day 3: Sounds, People, & Spaces #1 and Introduction to the Daycare and Boarding areas
Day 4: Experiences – Pretend Grooming (exposure to the grooming rooms: tubs, tables, brushes, nail trimmers, towels)
Day 5: Sounds, People, & Spaces #2 and Graduation
Woven into each play session we will be teaching and reinforcing sit, down, and come.
We encourage clients to have their puppy go through the program twice. The topics covered will not vary for the second package, but the challenges and skills learned can be intensified and further practiced. It is not necessary to do the 5 days in succession, or even the same days of each week.
for enrollment in Spot’s Tots?
Any puppy between the age of 8 and 16 weeks is welcome (and encouraged) to enroll in the Spot’s Tots program, however, the puppy needs to be in their new home for 2 weeks prior to starting the program.
Your puppy must receive the rabies vaccine, per Massachusetts state regulations at the age determined by your veterinarian (typically 16 weeks). Beyond this core vaccination, we encourage you to have a conversation with your veterinarian about your lifestyle and beliefs and determine a vaccination protocol that best suits your needs. This could include the distemper/parvo and bordetella vaccines. It could also include deciding not to vaccinate beyond Rabies.
Call Us to book your spot (413) 534-1333
Call Us to book your spot (413) 534-1333
35 C North Chicopee Street Chicopee, MA 01020
139 King Street Northampton, MA 01060
Our Mission is to ensure pet parents’ peace of mind by providing consistent, compassionate grooming services and a nurturing, safe and fun environment for pets to socialize and grow through our daycare and overnight programs.
Chicopee hours
- Monday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Tuesday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Wednesday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Thursday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Friday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Saturday 8:00am - 4:00pm
- Sunday 8:00am - 9:00am
& 4:00 - 5:00pm
We are closed between 12:30-1:30 for lunch
Holidays: 8:00am - 9:00am & 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Northampton hours
- Monday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Tuesday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Wednesday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Thursday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Friday 7:00am - 6:30pm
- Saturday 8:00am - 4:00pm
- Sunday 8:00am - 9:00am
& 4:00pm - 5:00pm
We are closed between 12:30-1:30 for lunch
Holidays: 8:00am - 9:00am & 4:00pm - 5:00pm