Summer Care

Summer Care

Summer is finally upon us, and that means it’s time to think about getting and keeping your dog cool during the warm weather! There’s good news:  we are taking grooming appointments at both of our Good Dog Spot locations again! In the meantime, we’ve put together some...
What Dog Breeds are Good for Apartment Dwellers?

What Dog Breeds are Good for Apartment Dwellers?

Did you know that while all dogs need to exercise to burn off energy and prevent poor behavior, not all breeds require lots of space to do it? Most dog owners understand that their pet needs to be able to expend energy in a productive and safe environment. Perhaps...
Winter Exercise

Winter Exercise

Unless you spend the season at the nearest ski mountain, it’s tough to find the motivation to be active during the winter months in New England. It’s colder, darker, and hazards like snow and ice add another layer of concern when it comes to outdoor activity. But...
Puppy Training Tips

Puppy Training Tips

PUPPY TRAINING TIPS Well: you did it. You’re the proud owner of a new puppy! It’s wonderful to imagine the memories you’ll make with your new dog. However, there’s something you need to think about almost as soon as you officially welcome your pet home:  puppy...
How to Introduce Your Pet to Your Kids

How to Introduce Your Pet to Your Kids

Meet Joe. Joe is in his mid-thirties and has a lovable, cuddly golden retriever named Sandy. Joe’s had Sandy since right after he graduated from college. Sandy was there for him through everything, including his wedding, honeymoon and even his bachelor party. So when...